We Use Google Docs

... and this is how to use it well.

We use Google Docs for editing because it provides excellent version tracking and access control.

A typical magazine issue has a master folder that includes the following subfolders. Get to know your issue folder, it contains all files and drafts we use for production!

Each folder name should begin with the Volume and Issue number, e.g. "23-2 [Folder name]" and includes the following sub-folders:

  • Call for Proposals (drafts and final copy)

  • Meeting Minutes (all agenda/minutes documents live here)

  • Article Drafts (with sub-folders for each author)

  • Artwork (contributor photos, artwork chosen by the art team, and artwork and other non-document files provided by contributors

  • Design/layout files (where PDF layouts will live)

  • Front/Back Matter

  • Final drafts (for articles/content we deliver to design)

  • Plus individual files: the Roster and Master Spreadsheet.

How to use Google Docs in editing

Each time an author submits a draft--starting with their initial framework, it must be placed in the Article drafts sub-folder with that authors' name. The lead and co-editor are both responsible for ensuring that all drafts are maintained in their author's folder.

Before you begin editing, make a Google Doc copy of the draft. This is to better track version history and, most importantly, to ensure that the lead and co-editor can review and make comments without the author receiving notifications. It is also critical for technical editors to create their own annotated versions for future reference.

Drafts should be named with the author's last name (or names) and the date (whatever is easiest for you), and ideally the number of the draft - first draft is "Draft 1", etc. When the document goes to fact-checking or copy editing it is helpful to mention this in the title. A typical flow might look like this:

Smith 09012020 draft 1 Smith 09182020 draft 2 Smith Sept 30 draft 3 Smith Oct 11 for Fact-Checking Smith Oct 20 for Copy Editing Smith 10312020 FINAL When you are sending comments back on a draft to your author you do not need to create another copy (exceptions below). Each draft the author sends is a separate document; editors' notes are resolved. If you decide that you want to keep your editors notes, you can make a separate copy to send to authors named, e.g., Smith Sept 30 draft 3 FOR AUTHORS. Exception: a copy of the document with the technical editor's comments must be kept on file. Make a copy of the draft that includes their comments/feedback for the author. This helps in cases when a fact might be questioned later so that we can see if it was verified or not.

Note: Avoid using outside word processors and other file types, as the comments and suggestions are not compatible with all computers and you may have version control problems down the line. Even if you use another document processor, it is important to upload those into the author's drafts folder.

How to work with a Google Docs draft

Lead editors and co-editors work together to provide detailed and consistent feedback to the author. See more in How to Approach Editing and Editing for Accessibility.

  • Open the Google Doc copy that only lead and co-editor have access to.

  • Set editing option to Suggesting (top right corner).

  • Make comments and questions via comments, or for direct edits to wording, replace text (the doc will show tracked changes).

  • Be sure that lead and co-editor feedback does not contradict. If editors disagree on approach, have a phone call to discuss, or suggest two ways of approaching edits to the author and your reasoning.

  • Be kind! You are creating a relationship with the author, and encouragement, questions, and the benefit of the doubt in your tone will do much more to produce good writing than man-splain-y or terse comments ever can.

  • Once both editors have reviewed the draft--ideally within 72 hours of receiving it, but definitely no longer than a week--the lead editor shares that document, with editing access, with the author. Be sure to state a deadline for the subsequent drafts in every email.

  • Don't go back into the document until the author has confirmed they are done working in it, so that lead and co-editor can both review and see all edits at once.

Technical editors, copy-editors and proofreaders should also always work in "Suggestion" mode. It is particularly important for technical editors to keep their comments and write down which sources were verified and how. For more, see Technical Editing 101.

Last updated

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